Sunday, February 21, 2016

Tasting - Crane Lake Gewurtztraminer

Crane Lake
Shop review: Slightly high-toned notions of rose petal mingle with lemon on nose and palate of this lightly sweet, richly textured yet balanced Gewurztraminer. This is not as heady as you may expect and will be a treat with spicy Asian dishes. Lychee and rose petal make another very fetching appearance on the finish.
Color: light, yellowish
Smell: honey, citrus, apricot
Taste: very sweet, apricot, smooth, honey
Personal rating: This could almost be a dessert wine it is so sweet! I like it, and the honey taste rounds out all of the flavors. When you first taste it, it hits you as smooth and sweet, and finishes with a bit more complexity.

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