Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Geography of Wine Introduction

I have a love-hate relationship with wine, mostly centered around hate. I have tried wine a few times in various different situations and have not found any wines that I want more than just a sip of. I have found that pink wines are better than most, but I'm still not particularly fond of them. The wine that I have tried, for the most part, has been the cheapest option for the poor college student which may contribute to my dislike of the taste.

I'm hoping to learn to love wine in this class. Even if I just learn to love the idea of wine more so than the taste. I am very interested to learn where wine comes from and be able to hold an intelligent conversation about it. I also hope to learn about cooking wines, because food is delicious. Maybe I'll even find a wine that tastes good!

Mostly, I'm hoping to have a fun adventure with some of my friends in my last semester of college. Because drinking is a favorite past-time of college students.